Answer a call while surfing? Vitality program enhancements


In our ongoing quest to ensure that Vitality applies the latest product ingenuities, resources and program interventions toward our mission to improve the health and productivity of our members, we’re releasing some very cool program enhancements. These improvements are focused on four key areas:  mental well-being, financial health, goal setting and the member journey.

For starters, we’re integrating Apple Watch Series 3, offering the most advanced technologies in a Watch including cellular. You can now answer a call from your surfboard, ask Siri to send a message or stream your favorite songs on your run.

Through our Vitality Active Rewards™ with Apple Watch program, members will continue to have the opportunity to purchase an Apple Watch through reduced monthly payments based on their physical activity. And our research shows the program is making an impact. Data from the past year indicates that the program has succeeded in motivating members to be more active with the number of physical activities per week increasing by 38 percent.

“I have a whole new group of active friends at work. The Apple Watch incentive was the fire that got us active. We follow each other’s progress on the ‘sharing feature’ and we find large group activities to support each other.”  – Vitality member

Other program enhancements include:

  • Introducing Vitality HealthyMind. As part of our continued commitment to improving mental health, this initiative is aimed at focusing on events that have a significant impact on mental well-being: sleep and mindfulness.
  • Added financial well-being goals. To drive awareness, educate and empower members to improve their financial health we’re offering three new targeted goals: financial planning, reducing debt and building better budgets.
  • Upgrades to our Vitality Today™ mobile app. We’re confident the upgrades will drive high levels of participation in the Vitality program and improve the user experience.
  • Updated and redesigned com homepage. Members will find the new homepage makes it even easier to plan and prioritize their healthy activities.

We’re thrilled about these additions and enhancements, and look forward to continuing our efforts to deliver real, sustainable results for our clients and members.

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