
Your Health Is Worth It

By Tonja Dodd
Man practicing yoga indoors because health is worth it - Vitality

We’ve dedicated the first quarter of 2022 to all things prevention because for many, the start of a new year makes us hopeful and gives us pause, allowing us time to think about our own health and prosperity.

With that, we want to reiterate an important message: Take care of yourself first. Certainly, you’ve heard that message before, but it is one worth repeating – especially when we’re talking about health and wellness. When you make your health a priority, you’ll be ready to face what life brings you and be available to take care of the people who need you most.

To start, learn what well (preventive) care is personally recommended for you by using the tool. After interacting with the tool and receiving your results, you’ll want to speak with your healthcare provider about the specific care recommendations. If you don’t have a healthcare provider, make today the day you find one. Building a relationship with your doctor is a key step in your good health. It may take time to find one with whom you feel comfortable and can easily communicate. Take the time. Your health is worth it.

Generally, you’ll find results from the healthfinder tool that list the immunizations that are important annually and at periodic times throughout your life. Regular screening for chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and cancers may also be recommended based on your age, personal and family medical history. If you already have a chronic condition, additional annual (or more often) preventive screening and monitoring tests may be presented. Mental health, dental, and eye care services are other areas to which the tool will provide guidance.

Sometimes staying up to date with recommended preventive care may feel like an inconvenience or even a chore. Keeping it simple and organized is one way to help you stay on top of your well care and medical appointments. We created a tracker to help support our members in managing their preventive care schedule. Try it out.  And don’t forget – you may be eligible for Vitality rewards for preventive health visits.  Log on to and submit proof of various immunizations and screenings to earn points today.  Your health is worth it.

Tonja Dodd, MPH, is a Senior Health Strategy Analyst at Vitality Group where she translates clinical guidelines into risk-appropriate health promotion strategies to engage members in healthy behaviors. Her background is in public health with 25 years of experience designing, developing, and delivering health and wellness programs and products. Tonja finds her healthy place is being active outdoors and spending time with family, friends, and pets.


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