How Healthy is Our Planet?


Our own health is intricately connected to the health of the planet, but bad practices continue to negatively affect the environment on which we rely – take a look at the planetary health report infographic to gain a little perspective

By 2100, the world’s population is projected to jump from 7.2 billion to 13.2 billion. This significant increase could put serious strain on the natural systems that produce our food and water.

The Rockefeller Foundation-Lancet Commission report on Planetary Health was released by Discovery in Johannesburg and simultaneously in Manila, New York and London on 16 July. It provides the first comprehensive evidence showing how unprecedented environmental degradation is jeopardising the health of future generations.

Planetary Health Infographic Screenshot
To see full infographic, click on link at the bottom of this page.

Read “What’s your food’s footprint” to find out more about how the way we grow and consume our food could have disastrous effects on the planet.


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