
Give your heart some love this month

Health care professional holding heart for American Heart Month - Vitality

February is for all things heart-related, and not just because of Valentine’s Day! February is American Heart Health Month, focusing on motivating Americans to adopt healthy lifestyles to prevent heart disease while showing #OurHearts some love.

To help you get started this heart month, try these seven days of self-care.  There’s something you can do each day to give your heart some extra love.


Mindful Monday

Start the week off with an awareness of your heart health numbersKnowing your blood pressure and other heart statistics can help you identify any risks or areas of improvement.

Vitality Members: Have you completed your Vitality Check this program year? It’s a biometric assessment that helps identify which areas of your health are strongest and which may need some work, as well as your risk for any potential health problems like heart disease. 


Tasty Tuesday

A healthy diet can contribute to a healthy and productive life. Try a delicious heart-healthy recipe by following our Instagram page for weekly recipes of Vitality Kitchen!

Vitality Members: If you’re looking to improve your eating habits, complete a Nutrition Course designed to teach you the basics of healthy eating.


Wellness Wednesday

Put your heart into your wellness routine. Consider trying our Fit Minute episodes for quick but effective workouts, which are sure to get your heart racing!


Treat Yourself Thursday

Treat your heart to some relaxation and fun. In addition to mindfulness exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and breathing exercises, you might want to try these other ways to relieve stress.


Follow Friday

Follow people who inspire you to show your heart more love! This could be following pages on social media or speaking to friends or family that help encourage you to stick to your self-care goals.

If you haven’t already, join the Vitality Virtual Training Club for motivation from fellow Vitality members!


Selfie Saturday

Inspire others by sharing what you’ve done for your heart this week! A quick text or selfie can go a long way.


Self-care Sunday

Create your self-care checklist for the upcoming week. Once you’ve got a plan, take a moment to pause and try one of these self-care activities.

Vitality Members: Consider setting a goal so you can hold yourself accountable and earn Vitality Points for checking-in.


These are just a handful of ways to show your heart some love this month. Interested in learning more? Check out these 25 ways to take part in heart month. You can also download our Healthy Heart Word Scramble here.



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