APR Special: Spotlight Health, Show #2

By Elise Thatcher
Good afternoon, this is Spotlight Health, on Aspen Public Radio. I’m Elise Thatcher, and this is the second episode in our series on critical health issues.

Today we’ll find out how gender plays a role in treating drug addicts…our guest has personal experience with tackling inner demons.

“At 26 was a director at an S & P five firm, but I’d never done anything with my recovery, that was separate.”

We’ll also hear from [Derek Yach,] a former Pepsi Executive about why he believes we should feel empowered to choose exercise or fresh fruit over other unhealthy foods and behaviors.

“What I learned in the food industry, is that many of those tobacco prescriptions don’t apply as easily to food.”

That’s coming up… on Spotlight Health.

Episode 2 of 6 in a series to explore key health issues, with guests also participating in the Aspen Ideas Festival Spotlight: Health programming this summer.

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[For full article AND podcast, click on Aspen Public Radio link, above.]


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